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    By Duane The Great Writer

  • One of the 'things' to Learn while Having a Body on This Planet Earth is to Be in some way Self-Sufficient enough to take care of YourSelf. From DUANE... “I was Not Taught to be Self-Sufficient by the Mother who raised Me, as she was okay with Me 'Staying Dependent' upon her! She was a very good & caring person and did all she could to take care of Me, as she would tell Me to clean my room, take out the trash and do my homework, as most socially indoctrinated parents do with their children, which is like a Standard Procedure. All this is fine, but it only leads to More UNconscious Lifetimes, unless the one who is raised WakesUp to What LifeIS! I left home at 17, and then made my way with different jobs, until I became a Framing Carpenter at 19. I could Seee the Potential of Earning My Own Way, and in 6 months, I had my own apartment and bought a new vehicle in Huntington Beach, California. I Like Earning My Way! I became Very Creative with My Life, and as the years went along, I married and eventually started My Own Business as a General Contractor. I also helped raise a Daughter, who I taught from my part of the marriage to be Self-Sufficient, while the other part of the marriage wanted the daughter to be Dependent upon her mother. The Daughter became Very Self-Sufficient to where she has her own Modeling Business and Travels This World. As I Learned a Whole Lot from This Lifetime, up to Today, I can Seee What Makes Sense with Each Person to StandEqual with Others. I would say that it Makes Sense, from the time a person has finished High School, which is usually 18 years old, that they Do whatever it takes to Be Self-Sufficient as much as possible. I Worked Very Hard for Most of This Life with Physical Labor, which has always been fine, as I Liked the Hard Work. I have also Worked Very Long & Hard & Sincerely with Everything I have Written & Spoken for Many Years. I Seee how some people take 'advantage' of others and use excuses to where Others in some way Support Them. When this continues, and especially into the ages of 20s, 30s, and beyond, then there is an inequality and even an 'abuse' to those who are the Supporters. As an example, if several people are to live together, wouldn't it Make Sense that they Each Share the Expenses? It can be so that we can each help & assist each other, but for years & years? So many of the children who are raised today still hold onto their immature 'attitude' as when they were living with their parents, and still 'thinking' that Others should Support Them. How can a person Really Be Free, and even from This World, if they do not Sincerely Do Their Part? I am Always Looking for NUWays to BE More SelfSufficient and Share with Others how to Be SelfSufficient with What Makes Sense! BEING REAL & EQUAL 'IS' UNIQUE with ALLLIFE, and Staying Dependent is NOT! ALLLIFE SEEES ALL of US... Who is really Paying Attention to This?” Sing 'NU~U~U~U' and Watch Your DreamVisions and Life will Show You 'What IS Real Now!' ASK REBISAR & PALL & THE REALL UNUVERSAL GUIDES on THE REALL~SIDE LIFEIS!


    Duane The Great Writer is making HimSelf Available for Those who want to KnowMorrre & SeeeMorrre & BeeeMorrre than just having another ‘ordinary’ unaware life on This Purposely Poisoned Planet! Create Your NU’Seee’sion with Duane The Great Writer and D’IS’cusss any topic You Like! Here IS Some Examples to D’IS’cusss… Personal, Financial, Relationships, Dreams, Government, 5G, GMO, ChemTrails, Vaccines, HAARP, Military, Secret Service, Spying, Subliminal TapLining, Conspiracy, Angels, Gods, Fairys, Ghosts, Aliens, Reptilians, Religious, Spiritual, Governments, Monarchy, and anything that pertains to what You are Experiencing in This CreationBubble. And Also… The ReALLL UNUversisss of RealFreeedom! Learn to Get Your Own Answers! NU’SEEE’SIONS Start at: 30 Minutes @ $1 (One US Dollar into PayPal) a Minute and can be as much time as needed. (and Yes, the way DUANU Writes His NUWords Refers to Something Morrre than what is known Here, and this is where You Decide to Recogn’IS’e What IS ReALLL Now with ALLLife or continue on as You have with just another PersonalLife in an Aging BodyForm). Contact: KEVIN SMITH UK & DEAN VAL on Facebook&YouTube.

    An Official NuPresentation Club is now available, the NuAwarenISSS Club. Membership to which is 1 dollar per month through paypal. Click on the NuAwarenISSS WebSite link at the top of the page, and from there navigate to the forum site.

    The RealWakeUp Now. Creation, Gods of Man, & Authoritarians. Part 1

    The RealWakeUp Now. Creation, Gods of Man, & Authoritarians. Part 2